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“Seninle dedikodu yapan, senin de dedikodunu yapar.”--Bu İrlanda atasözünü yaban sözü diye yabana atmamalı, kulağa küpe yapmalı.
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[*4.558 yazı içinden]
Interview with Colin Turner on Risale-i Nur and Its Comprehension Interviewer: Harun Pirim |
09.01.2022 |
$ big Part I /big br br
$Can you introduce yourself? Your birth environment, social conditions you are born into and people who influenced you to build and grow your personality.
My name IS Colin Paul Turner and I was born in the industrial heartlands of England, in the city of Birmingham, to a working class family in the mid-Fifties. Until the age of seven I lived in a large house with my paren...
GOODBYE RAMADAN Öykü Ertem Tepsi |
14.05.2021 |
Goodbye Ramadan… I hope you are leaving pleased with us. We felt hungry and thirsty. We also had a lockdown this year. But we were happy. We had lots of lessons from you. We learnt that life is not all about eating and drinking. We experienced peace in patience, sharing and how peaceful the moments are spent close to Allah and aware of Him.
Sometimes there are times when you cannot eat even though the foo...
15.04.2021 |
Ramadan, the month of detox, the month of inner peace is on its way. It is a kind of a detox which cleans not only our physical body, but also our soul and mind by clearing away our sins, our negative thoughts and behaviours to make us feel so much better and relaxed in every way.
If we go back 20 years, it might be normal for some people to think “Why does Allah ask us to starve ourselves by fasting f...
The Pharaoh: a consortium Metin Karabaşoğlu (Translated by Muhammed Şeviker) |
31.07.2013 |
The parable of Moses, and, consequently of Pharaoh’s is the most reiterated and detailed parable among the Qur’anic tales. It is the most repeated parable in respect to the number of chapters in which it is mentioned. So much so that, even the parable of Adam and Devil ranks the second after it.
There a lot of wisdoms of this. And, perhaps one of the most important wisdoms is that the parable of ...
Who makes child Muslim? Metin Karabaşoğlu (Translated by Muhammed Şeviker) |
14.07.2013 |
Particularly in the end of time circumstances, there is a concern that frequently expressed by faithful parents. The analyses beginning from that the age is wicked, and increasingly getting wickeder, extend into the point that the parents should decisively protect their children; otherwise, they go astray from religion easily.
The measures stemming from such an analysis often ends up in failure. With...
Rediscovering family Metin Karabaşoğlu (translated by Muhammed Şeviker) |
03.07.2013 |
The collapse of family in the West does not necessarily herald a plight which exclusively belongs to the West… In a globalized World, this collapse in the West shows a tendency to capture the other civilisation basins.
As a matter of fact, as the divorce rates have been increasing in all over the world, the statistics show that the divorce rates have increased in Islamic world as well. This applies ...
I have seen the future Metin Karabaşoğlu (Translated by Muhammed Şeviker) |
28.06.2013 |
The arduous trial that has loomed over the country like a nightmare for three weeks, in many respects, was instructive. What we live through, with regards to people that believe in the Omnipotent One of Glory who brings forth the liv-ing from the dead, the luminousness from the darkness, the daylight from the night has been a process of painful trouble. What we live through has been an evil through which,...
The footsteps of Kemalist nihilism Metin Karabaşoğlu (Translated by Muhammed Şeviker) |
12.06.2013 |
Friday evenings are times I long for. Because, we meet and converse with a group of my friends through whose presence in this worldly life I flourish. In the centre/focus of this conversation locates a topic from the Risale-i Nur. This is a conversation travels yesterday, the present and the future around this constant.
Yesterday’s evening we experienced a meeting which started and ended very late. ...
How the eyes are protected (from harams)? Metin Karabaşoğlu |
16.01.2011 |
One of the most obvious realities of the world is that one cannot live without rules. First of all, life itself is the fruit of a rule. The universe we live in exists with a rule with all of its atoms. Everything, from the tiniest atom to the biggest galaxy, is subject to a system. All existing things and living beings whisper a universal reality called ‘rule’ with their existence.
On the other hand, ma...
A Spiritual Scene from Turkey: The Month of Ramadan Harun Pirim |
12.08.2010 |
Ramadan is a month that is longed for by Muslims around the world. As evidenced within its text, the revelation of the Qur’an began in this month. Due to this distinction, the month of Ramadan is called ‘the month of the Qur’an,’ the word of Allah. It is a month of care and calibration in which the values forgotten in the business of daily life are remembered and negative or bad habits are struggled to be e...
Is Hijrah a flight or an ordinary migration? If not, what is it? Metin Karabaşoğlu |
22.12.2009 |
In the land of the Muslims, time is divided into two as “before the Hijrah” and “after the Hijrah”.
The extistance of a calendar as Hijri Calendar (which starts with the Hijrah) is by itself enough to show the importance of the migration of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) from Makkah to Madinah.
The twelve-day hijrah of Hazrat Muhammad which took place in the thirteenth year of Islam is indeed such an important mi...
Have we braved the steep ascent? Metin Karabaşoğlu |
30.08.2009 |
When we look back over the noteworthy events of the 23 years during which the Qur’an was revealed, we find the resistance of the Mushriks (or polytheists) to be utterly senseless and meaningless. This is how it seems, for both the reality of the message of Tawheed that finds expression in ‘La ilaha illallah Muhammedun rasulullah’, (There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah) and the se...
Praise for charity Metin Karabaşoğlu |
09.08.2009 |
If I were asked what the highest blessing after the belief was, my answer would be ‘offering something to someone’. My pleasure from making someone wear is bigger than that of wearing. For every person who does not have drowned his heart in the narrow streets of the meanness, the case should be the same.
It should be from that secret of offering, an expression addressed to a beloved one, in one of ...
The test Metin Karabaşoğlu |
27.07.2009 |
While we were chatting with a friend of mine, a man, as an intruder of the conversation, interrupted our words suddenly and started to talk to us. “All of our personality is shaped till we reached seven years of age. Since then, our life, our character, is shaped by our experiences till that day.”
Then, he, subsequently, arrayed the sentences such as “for instance me… After these sentences to which we l...
In the presence of hundred hungry Metin Karabaşoğlu |
21.07.2009 |
Twenty-seven years ago, as a fifteen-year-old young, I spent my summer holiday reading the Risale-i Nur all through.
I was reading the Risale for the first time.
From my first reading, I received from this Risale the amount as fifteen year-old boy receives. My effort in the direction of receiving what I have not derived is still going on.
During this reading, among the long topics, I remember noting sho...
Facelessness Metin Karabaşoğlu |
30.06.2009 |
I believe that one of the plainest and the clearest judgment as regards to the modern times was done by an Anatolian brave who is from one point of view rebel and from other one a hero.
As far as I am concerned, Köroğlu’s remark “As the riffle was invented, manliness spoiled” in fact, interprets aptly the spirit of modern times and x-rays it.
In the modern times, vileness has replaced with b...
Interview with Jerod on Life and Islam Harun Pirim |
08.05.2009 |
$Can you introduce yourself? Where were you born? Your education background?
My name is Jerod Evan Michel. I was born in Ventura, CA which is a kind of outside the LA area. I grew up in another place outside LA area. I finished elementary school there. I finished high school in Oregon. I got my undergraduate at Southern Oregon University. I got my masters at Oklahoma State University. I was a teacher in...
Let’s Use Closer “Windows” More Mehmed Boyacıoğlu |
08.02.2009 |
Social studies books mention concentric circles concerning someone’s relationships with his/her human environment. We begin, as educators, to teach self, family, neighbourhood, town, city, state, etc… We have a lot of relationships with all of these circles. Therefore, we have some obligations regarding to those circles. That is to say, we are responsible from ourselves, our family, our neighbourhood, ...
Ahmad, his neighbour and my son… Songül Özlem Şahin |
28.01.2009 |
My son runs around the living room playing ball with his older sister. Full of joy, energy and life. The way a child should be. Not a care in the world. Feeling safe and secure in his knowledge that all he need do is ask or cry for his food, a nap or a comforting hug.
Suddenly I hear my neighbour’s son, Ahmad’s cries. Ahmad lives in Palestine. Ahmad is crying like I have never heard a child cry. But his ...
From Randall to Mustafa Harun Pirim |
08.12.2008 |
The value of what we found is proportional to our efforts. We usually understand the value of what we have in our hand when we are deprived of them. Firsts leave a nice memory on us because firsts contain the long lasting deprivation in them.
I met with Mustafa last year during a Ramadan dinner. Like many convert man to Islam, with his smiling face, with a beard that gives an impression of uncle hadji, Mus...
Meaning of Praise Esen Eren Çelik |
05.03.2006 |
Praise is the display of the attributes of perfection. A flower displays God’s Attributes by default. But in human beings, if our freewill interferes, we might cover them up. So we need to just submit and let the Attributes of perfections manifest on us. So in a sense, we have to choose to display what is already in us, like the flower. But we have been given an extra capacity to witness and confirm this display in other creatures as well.
Every ordinary is extraordinary Metin Karabaşoğlu |
10.07.2005 |
If mankind can unveil the curtain of ordinariness, he will observe that there is no single thing in this world to be called ordinary. Everything in this world is unique and perfect in the sense that it performs task that entail extraordinary power, science, will, artistry and wisdom and cries out the name of All-Sovereign.
A nanowindow to Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s “Thirtieth Word” Cafer Tayyar Yavuz |
17.02.2005 |
Particles with nano (a billionth of a meter) sizes are of great interest in today’s science. Everybody is now trying to nanotize their ultrahigh technological instruments to catch up with the ongoing nanofashion. At this point, seeing the word “particles” instead of “atoms” while reading about how The Law of Wisdom gives role to do important duties to inanimate and unconscious particles unravels the mystery of how nanosized particles are under the Highest Command.
Morality and Spirituality Mücahid Bilici |
17.02.2005 |
Four questions that each panelist is asked to respond:
|81. What is your definition of morality? What are your motivations?
2. How do we go about moral reasoning if we are faced with a dilemma?
3. How do you translate your understanding of morality into your daily life?
4. Is there a universal morality (is morality possible w/out religion/spirituality?)|9
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$Introductory remarks
I would li...
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