It is a law of physics; motion causes heat, heat leads to force, force results in attraction, that is, gravity.

We breathe thousands of times a day. In order for us to take that one breath, the laws of biology and physics must work in a delicate relationship.

For example, in order for air to enter us, our internal pressure with external pressure must be in harmony. Thanks to homeostasis, which we call our internal pressure, and external pressure, that is, the balanced state of the atmosphere, we can breathe.

The absence of atmosphere is incompatible with life. If the atmospheric pressure is more or less than necessary, this time our breathing will become difficult or even stop.

Every breath we take is actually a feast, as it shows us that the universe works perfectly.

What kind of changes occur in ourselves and our environment during these short breaths? E.g; In our body, which has more than a hundred trillion cells, one million cells died and a million cells opened their eyes in its place. In that one breath, fifteen million tons of water evaporated from the oceans, and as much as rain fell on the earth. In the meantime, our earth traveled another thirty kilometers around the sun. Our solar system has traveled two hundred and fifty kilometers around the Milky Way Galaxy.

So what is required to maintain these critical levels in atmospheric pressure?

First of all, the earth must rotate around itself at a speed of 1670 km per hour. At the same time, our earth must be traveling at a speed of 106,000 km per hour in its orbit around the sun. Moreover, the sun must covers a distance around the constellation Vega/Ülker at an incredible 720,000 km/h. Of course, by sweeping the planets connected to the solar system with it...

We have lived, live and are living in a universe that works selflessly, from the sun with a fireball surface, one hundred and forty-nine million kilometers away, to the oxygen exchange that takes place in a sixty-nine angstrom area in our lungs, so that a single breath we take can easily enter us.

An oxygen atom entering our lungs needs an angle of sixty-nine angstroms to approach the alveolar sacs and enter the erythrocytes. An angstrom is one hundred millionth of a centimeter. If oxygen is to approach more vertically or horizontally, it cannot enter the body because it cannot hold on to the erythrocytes, or it prevents carbon dioxide from leaving the body. Both conditions are an invitation to severe shortness of breath and death. All these experiences show us the end of a terrifying connection from the microcosm to the macrocosm, of an endless knowledge, of a tremendous will.

In this way, we can breathe comfortably. While exhaling, we can say "thank you" by vibrating our vocal cords.

This mind-blowing activity is still going on, second by second.

All these examples, such as our breathing, the existence of gravity, the existence of the seasons, continue in a dizzying activity. Added end-to-end, they form the minutes of life.

But why?

Why and for whom does this tremendous living activity keep working?

It's just one breath we take...

The most precious wealth given to man. In return, our lifetime capital from which we can earn eternity.

Before we take our last breath, we pray that we can live without forgetting the One who gave it to us (c.c).

Translated by: Tûbâ SELÇUK


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